Updating the Context
In this example, we're creating a middleware that adds a hello
property to the context. This property will then be accessible to any subsequent middleware or handler.
// package: @universal-middleware-examples/tool
// file: src/middlewares/context.middleware.ts
import type { Get, UniversalMiddleware } from "@universal-middleware/core";
const contextMiddleware = ((value) => (request, ctx, runtime) => {
// Return the new universal context, thus keeping complete type safety
// A less typesafe way to do the same thing would be to `ctx.something = value` and return nothing
return {
hello: value,
// Using `satisfies` to not lose return type
}) satisfies Get<[string], UniversalMiddleware>;
// export default is mandatory
export default contextMiddleware;
After bundling this middleware, one can then use this middleware as follows:
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-express";
import express from "express";
import { getContext } from "@universal-middleware/express";
const app = express();
// Now the universal context contains `{ hello: "world" }`.
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
// The universal context can be retrieved through `getContext` helper
// outside of universal middlewares and handlers
const universalCtx = getContext<{ hello: string }>(req);
res.send(`Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`);
export default app;
import { Hono } from "hono";
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-hono";
import { getContext } from "@universal-middleware/hono";
const app = new Hono();
// Now the universal context contains `{ hello: "world" }`
app.get("/", (honoCtx) => {
// The universal context can be retrieved through `getContext` helper
// outside of universal middlewares and handlers
const universalCtx = getContext<{ hello: string }>(honoCtx);
return new Response(`Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`);
export default app;
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-fastify";
import fastify from "fastify";
import { getContext } from "@universal-middleware/fastify";
const app = fastify();
// Now the universal context contains `{ hello: "world" }`.
app.get("/", (req, reply) => {
// The universal context can be retrieved through `getContext` helper
// outside of universal middlewares and handlers
const universalCtx = getContext<{ hello: string }>(req);
reply.send(`Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`);
export default app;
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware";
import { createHandler } from "@universal-middleware/cloudflare";
import { pipe } from "@universal-middleware/core";
// Cloudflare Workers has no internal way of representing a middleware
// Instead, we use the universal `pipe` operator
const wrapped = pipe(
(request: Request, context: Universal.Context) => {
return new Response(`Hello ${context.hello}`);
export default createHandler(() => wrapped)();
// functions/index.ts
import { getContext } from "@universal-middleware/cloudflare";
export const onRequest = (request, env, ctx) => {
const universalCtx = getContext<{ hello: string }>(env);
return new Response(`Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`);
// functions/_middlewares.ts
// See https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/functions/middleware/
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-cloudflare-pages";
export const onRequest = contextMiddleware("world");
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware";
import { createEdgeHandler } from "@universal-middleware/vercel";
import { pipe } from "@universal-middleware/core";
// Vercel has no internal way of representing a middleware
// Instead, we use the universal `pipe` operator
const wrapped = pipe(
(request: Request, context: Universal.Context) => {
return new Response(`Hello ${context.hello}`);
export const GET = createEdgeHandler(() => wrapped)();
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware";
import { createNodeHandler } from "@universal-middleware/vercel";
import { pipe } from "@universal-middleware/core";
// Vercel has no internal way of representing a middleware
// Instead, we use the universal `pipe` operator
const wrapped = pipe(
(request: Request, context: Universal.Context) => {
return new Response(`Hello ${context.hello}`);
export default createNodeHandler(() => wrapped)();
import { createApp, createRouter, defineEventHandler } from "h3";
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-h3";
import { getContext, universalOnBeforeResponse } from "@universal-middleware/h3";
const app = createApp({
// /!\ This is required for universal-middleware to operate properly
onBeforeResponse: universalOnBeforeResponse,
// Now the universal context contains `{ hello: "world" }`.
const router = createRouter();
router.get("/", defineEventHandler((event) => {
// The universal context can be retrieved through `getContext` helper
// outside of universal middlewares and handlers
const universalCtx = getContext<{ hello: string }>(event);
return `Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`;
export default app;
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-elysia";
import Elysia from "elysia";
const app = new Elysia()
// Now the universal context contains `{ hello: "world" }`.
.get("/", ({ getContext }) => {
// The universal context can be retrieved through `getContext` helper
// outside of universal middlewares and handlers
const universalCtx = getContext();
return `Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`;
export default app;
import { createRouter } from "@hattip/router";
import contextMiddleware from "@universal-middleware-examples/tool/middlewares/context-middleware-hattip";
import { getContext } from "@universal-middleware/hattip";
const app = createRouter();
// Now the universal context contains `{ hello: "world" }`.
app.get("/", (honoCtx) => {
// The universal context can be retrieved through `getContext` helper
// outside of universal middlewares and handlers
const universalCtx = getContext<{ hello: string }>(honoCtx);
return new Response(`Hello ${universalCtx.hello}`);
const hattipHandler = app.buildHandler();
export default hattipHandler;